Privacy policy
Auto Aro Group S.R.L. processes your personal information in order to provide you with high quality products and services, websites and mobile applications. It also collects and uses personal data for the following purposes: to provide answers to questions and requests, marketing analysis, personalized communications and direct marketing.

As part of the processing for these purposes, we may disclose and transmit your information to suppliers acting on behalf of Auto Aro Group S.R.L. for services such as: site support, sales and marketing services.

This Policy aims to explain to you what data Auto Aro Group S.R.L. processes them, why and how we use personal data and what your rights are.

If at any time you have questions about the services, you can contact us at OFFICE.3DWORKS@GMAIL.COM. This mailbox is actively monitored and managed because data protection is as important to us as it is to you.

Keeping your data safe is important to us and this Privacy Policy explains what personal data is processed, why we store the data, what the legal basis is and what your rights are. Please read this Policy carefully.

What information do we collect?
Auto Aro Group S.R.L. aims to provide you with the best possible personalized experience, while at the same time improving and optimizing its performance.

Your personal data includes information such as:

Website usage, electronic communications and app usage on devices – we collect information such as opening or interactions via email or if you use any online platform or brochures. We collect information about your use and online behavior with the help of cookies, your IP or other tracking technologies, such as the pages visited, where you accessed the platform, your browsing history and when / where you leave the platform, the browser, the type of device, the duration of navigation including the collection of details regarding the location of the mobile device (if allowed in the application settings), the clicks made, the products or services purchased, various data including analytics and other types of interactions with our Services.

Not all methods by which data is collected are obvious to you, and they may vary from moment to moment. Therefore, we will highlight and explain what they might be.

Cookies and tracking technologies – as described below, we use cookies and analytics.

Data about the use of the Services – this type of data is usually collected automatically. This includes activity log, metadata, page load time and performance parameters, approximate location to improve Inreg Services (DNS resolution optimization, routing, network and server configuration), language preferences, browser configuration information- and plugins and cookie data. Unique device identifiers and error data may also be collected.

Additional data may be requested from other sources and may include information about you. To provide you with a better experience, this information may be combined with already existing data collected and stored. The primary purpose of this practice is to improve the accuracy of listings, identify new potential customers, and provide customized products and services. If you provide us with personal information about other entities or yourself, we will use that information only for the specific purpose for which you provided it.

How we use your data and the legal basis for processing.
Our objective is to process the minimum possible amount of data about you and to limit the use and purpose only to the data for which permission has been granted; to process only the data necessary to properly provide the Services; or as may be required to comply with the law or for other lawful purposes. To make all of this possible, we have considered the impact on your interests and rights and have taken appropriate safeguards to ensure that privacy intrusion is as low as possible in this context.

Communication channels
Communication channels may include emails, text messages, phone calls (including automated ones)

If you consider that personal information about you has been provided to us and you want to remove it from our database, please send a request to OFFICE.3DWORKS@GMAIL.COM.

Compliance with legal, regulatory and law enforcement requirements
We collaborate with public authorities and institutions to enforce and comply with the law. We will disclose any information about you to public authorities or institutions or other private third parties, if we believe it is necessary or appropriate to respond to legal requests and procedures, to protect the property and rights or to protect the property and rights of a third party, to protect the safety the public or any person or to prevent or stop activity deemed illegal or unethical.

Third Party Sites
The website and mobile applications contain links to third party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of third-party websites. Read the privacy policy of any website you visit.

Your rights
In accordance with data protection laws, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

• The right to object to the processing of your personal data
• The right to have your personal data deleted
• The right to ask us to stop contacting you with direct marketing
• The right to restrict the processing of your personal data

To exercise your rights, please contact us using the contact details provided in this document.

Copyright © Auto Aro Group S.R.L. All rights are reserved.

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