Additive Manufacturing using SLM (Selective laser melting)
The Selective laser melting technology uses a bed of powder with a source of heat to create metal parts. We use high power-density laser to fully melt and fuse metallic powders in order to produce parts with near full density (up to 99.9% relative density).
Use case:
Milling Operations
Milling is not necessary needed for all the parts to be finished but we offer this extra service. Apart from the surface finish, our milling machines can also be used for drill, bore or cut gears, threads, and slots.
We use 5 axis machines with the following specifications:
Design and development for complex projects
Our team uses computer-aided design software to create, modify, analize, or optimize designs for complex projects
Quality control
Every part manufactured or modified using the milling machines are checked thoroughly and must pass numerous quality and standards checks
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Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020
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